Sunday, February 4, 2024

Eucharistic Feast of the Ouroboros.


Jesus said to Mary: "The outer darkness contains a 
great dragon, whose tail is in its mouth." Pistis Sophia.

Eucharistic Feast of the Ouroboros.
Salt of the earth, red Mercury of the Blood Moon,
fixed Sulfur of the Sun: the Heavenly Wedding.
I feel dead to the world in mortido's Ash,
I've unchained stolen fire of Prometheus;
I'm like a zombie in search of bloody meat,
my winged Helmet must fly transcendent.
Nigredo blackens with fire's element,
forging Salt from the earthen instincts;
my Grail now needs the Wine and Bread,
PenDragon's Spirit and Soul of one Word.
Albedo whitens fiery IncanDescence,
GOD's Wrath, GodzillaBurning Bush;
Source of the Blood and Flesh of Heaven,
Metallical Subjectivity in my New Skin.
But I need to lift-up my Holy Grail,
 meditation transcends my mortal coil.
White Myst DiStills Dew of the Moon,
Diana red~shifts into Rubedo divine!
"Moon turns to Blood" of the Ouroboros,
her Wave collapses into my Heart's Wish:
quantum Solidity and Rock of my Soul,
a Pearl, born of PenDragon's pointy tail!
I feel free from the human rock of 'other',
now all alone in my unearthly Observer;
Luna gives birth to my Sun all ashine,
so I can Photosynthesize Logos in Mind.
My Holy Grail's function is now obvious:
- a Boundary in GOD's Boundlessness;
- alchemical Still turning water to Blood;
- Crucible for baptizing my golden Child!

This Burning Bush!

This Burning Bush!
The Serpent returns to the Tree of Life.
Inside the Crucible of my Grail,
I have borne the intolerable trial;
this Burning Bush of Incandescence,
flowers forth eternal Presence;
its leaves diStill Wine of Spiritus,
photosynthesize Logos into Flesh;
the Flower and Nectar of the Tree,
bear the Fruit of Adam and Eve!

Rocks of Ages.

Aten (Logos) hands down Logoi of our blank Souls.

Rocks of Ages.
The Blank Slates of our Souls.
The Aten hands down blank Souls divine,
to be imbued with our elemental designs;
by compounding our id and ego identities,
with fire, sublimating our eternal Metals.
Earth + fire = Dust for our Salt refined;
water + fire = Myst to diStill~out Wine;
air + fire = Flour for our golden Bread;
each Logoi individualized, life uploaded!
The tongue of fire is mythological Ether,
the Burning Bush that we all must enter;
devours elemental experience Metallized:
 our New SkinBlood and Flesh realized!
GOD's FingerprintWrath, Spirit, Logos,
the OverSoul downloads all Rocks of Ages;
Souls of quantum Solidity in Tria Prima,
via mortido, we upload our perSonal data!
Co-Creation, GOD's Image downloaded, unifies with
Adam's elemental and Metallical experience uploaded.

Eternal Boundary for Wine and Bread.

Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses. (Collins).

"The death of earth is to become water
and the death of water is to become air
and the death of air is to become fire
Heraclitus, 500 BCE.

"As Below, So Above",
Eternal Boundary for Wine and Bread.
I feel dematerialized, by fire undone,
baptized in White Metal of Grammaton;
GOD's Blood is Spirit, Flesh is Logos,
I need a Boundary in  Boundlessness .
Below, I am skin, water and intellect:
- animal id of the survival instincts;
- airy ideation of a human thinker;
~ watery libidof emotional desire
This egboundary inside each of us,
forms our elemental consciousness;
slowly separating-out from tribalism,
individuation process of Subjectivism.
Fire is the fallen Light in potential,
pregnant with the Metals of the Soul.
AboveSol and Luna need a Container,
Wafer and Wine in a Grail Observer.
Death of earth becomes watery energy,
instincts evolve an emotional charge;
the death of my thinker becomes fire,
mortido forges pneumatological Ether!
White Metal is the Canvas of the LORD,
PenDragon's PuffEctoplasticity Bound:
Dust for Lucidity and Myst for Fluidity,
and Flour for eternal Bread of Solidity!

Lucidity, Fluidity and Solidity fire~forged.

Flight of the Quantum Phoenix.

Flight of the Quantum Phoenix.
I feel dead to Gaia's world,
my lower elements destroyed,
like a winged Grail in limbo,
in need of Blood and Flesh aglow!
Mythotherapy helps to understand,
why I've got a gutted Mind;
devoured unto breathlessness,
I need resurrection from this Ash.
Phoenix refines earth to Saltiness,
the Moon is a Blood Priestess;
she diStills the Sophic Wine,
the WavIcle under my New Skin.
The FireBird of Ashen Lucidity,
pauses at Luna for Red Mercury;
this Flow of quantum Energy,
hides the Pearl in its Mystery.
My Observer now needs a Point,
a Wafer from Logoic Light;
the drunken Grail takes a ride,
to GOD's only Sun and Word.
Upon the inner Wave of Spiritus,
the Phoenix is lifted effortless;
in Luna's Chariot to the Logos,
Skin, Blood, consecrated Flesh
Christic Bread is handed out,
Wafers from the Priest of Light;
a quantum Bundle for each Grail,
the Wave collapses into a Soul!

Happy to Burn.
My Self portraitmeditation and self immolation in 
the baptismal and holy fire of Kundalini rising,
baking the Bread of the consecrated Wafer.

The Sophic Discourse of Wisdom.


The Christic Grail for the Bread of Jesus/Logos,
Wafer handed down from the Word above.

The Sophic Discourse of Wisdom.
A Psalm Written in Symbolical Blood!
How to cross+over to the Silver Moon,
extract Salt from earth into a New Skin;
and fill the Red Crescent with Spiritus,
the Grail of Blood for the Sun of Flesh?
Logos breathes down its fiery Mythos,
the Discourse of the Word inspires us.
We return back up as metallical Ether,
the dragon's Puff for the Tria Prima.
Dust of Albedo for Salt of PenDragon,
Observer, free from instinctual action;
watery Myst diStills into Rubedo's Wine,
Mater red~shifts into Wisdom's Moon.
Sophia's Discourse is written in Spirit,
for the fiery Angel at the Gates to taste.
Blood coagulates into Flesh of a Soul,
Flour proves Bread of Dragon's Pearl!
Behold one Word behind all languages,
a PhiloSophical Stone and Rock of Ages.
I'm Dark and Bright, Thomas Vaughan,
"I Spring from Earth, and from Heaven."
We are all the children of fallen Sophia,
Mater's Darkness needs the Tria Prima;
four elements into Salt, Mercury, Sulfur,
Grail, Wine and Bread for ever and ever!
The Wave~function sleeps in Potential,
Love is blind, and so to Earth she falls.
Mind gathers Light, sublimates Chaos,
collapses Sophia into ontological Flesh!
And so my LORD we have come to this,
my final Psalm is upon your CANVAS;
in the Tongue of Fire I hear your Word,
and write back in my symbolical Blood.
Alchemical Wedding of Moon and Sun,
the Observer is the Chalice of Marion;
Blood from Luna half~fills my Crescent,
the Discourse of Sophic Immanence!
Enough said, put down thy Pen and Ink,
one Word has dawned upon the ankh:
"wick-Ra-wick" of HEH, GOD-Self Icon,
the Lamp of Heaven is a burning Sun!
Conscious Fire is the way back Home,
by forging three eternal Metals of I am.
Salt, Red Mercury and Sulfur of my Soul,
transforming elements in the Crucible.
It appears that I have now done enough,
my life destroyed by the burning wrath;
back through the Sin~Eater into the Tree:
Flower, bloomed from my fallen Seed
My Xenomorph looks back at this planet,
where It was nurtured in my lower host;
animal into human into Alien Presence,
alchemical apotheosis into Host of Flesh!

The Marion Chalice for diStilled Wine,
rises~up and weds the Christic Grail divine;
symbolical Blood digested in Mind.

The Source of Fire's Tongue.

 The Source of Fire's Tongue.  
My past brought forward by In~tuition into Now!
I'm feeling out of sorts in my Observer,
of every morning I'm in need of fire;
to burn away the sins at the surface,
brought forth by the dreaming process.
Fire of imagination cleanses the past,
slowly regressing me back to the start.
The clock of time is wound-up in mind,
into unconscious conditioning blind!
In~tuition is the teaching of creativity,
dreaming tells us stories of mythology.
Our Child's inner Tutor speaks to us,
in the tongue of fire and etheric Myst.
Fire is the mythos of GOD's Logos:
Word, Reason, Logic to Order Chaos;
emanates from the Source of Knowing,
artistical language of natural learning.
White Metal is CANVAS of the LORD,
for the quill of flame to spread the Word.
Each has a Page to paint their Portrait,
fire is inSpiration from the Hierophant.
See how the tongue unlearns the past:
refines earth into metallic Salt at last;
changes water into Wine of Spiritus;
bakes air into Bread of Omniscience!
We are at the end of fire's discourse,
each one becomes a Logoi made of Flesh!
Christ was a Tutor of intuition's wrath:
"I have come to bring fire on the earth." 

The Alchemist and Pet Dragon.

From the Ripley Scroll, 15th century.

The Alchemist and Pet Dragon.
I stoke a libidinal fire in my Crucible,
build-up the pressure inside my Grail;
to burn~away any past conditioning,
so I feel at peace inside my New Skin.
Animal spirit from the Burning Bush,
latent heat and tongue inside all of us.
We are the Seeds from the Tree of Life,
scattered on the Wind, fallen to earth.
And there we grow inside our husks,
dyed in instincts, first of four dialects.
The id evolves our human languages,
emotionally~charged ideas express.
Fire too, begins to develop its tongue,
our hungry desire to sing our songs;
and so it feeds on the lower elements,
to grow three Metals is its only want.
We do well to listen to its creativity,
every Child is an artist, so they say;
and only they can enter into Heaven,
fledged and lifted~up on fiery wings.
I am made in the Image of the LORD,
GOD has Wine and Bread unbounded.
We need a Boundary as Alchemists,
in the ontological VOID of the Abyss
GOD has Godzilla, I have a Pendragon,
Salt from earth in a boundless MIND.
Our dragons forge a New Skin for us,
containing Blood to coagulate Flesh!

  Jesus said to Mary: "The outer darkness contains a  great dragon,  whose tail is in its mouth." Pistis Sophia. Eucharistic Feast...