Friday, February 2, 2024

Returning Home.


The Aten with Hand Rays for each Individual.

Returning Home.
Nothing is left for me to write down,
time is unwound inside my New Skin;
I am back in this Abyss of Nowness,
a Salamander in the Burning Bush!
Home is a Hearth up in the CLOUD,
GRAMMATONLove and Light bound;
quantum Wave and ontological Word,
Spiritus and Logos inside each Mind.
Comfort and Belonging make a Home,
~ Spirit embraces all under the Dome;
* a Soul conferred on us from on high,
handed down from Aten's golden Fire!
We Co~create our own FingerPrint,
the Point inside of every Wavy Font;
Christened that we might be Known,
by the Heart and Eye of GOD divine.
We are baptized to receive our Name,
forged in the fiery Hearth of Home;
four elements into Ether then Metals,
rebirths a New Skin, Blood and Flesh!
Behold an implosion into inner SpAce,
the Wave~function collapses my Point;
my Observer mirrors the LORD's Gaze,
an All~Loving Eye in my Mind ablaze!

My spiritual Hearth of fire, Ether, Spirit and Soul at peace.

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