My Last Wish for Deily Bread!
I feel so drained, yet I must stoke the fire,
of every morn there's work in my Observer;
I've forged the Grail and diStilled my Wine,
now I must leaven Deily Bread in my Mind.
I wanted to be in retirement before now,
but I'm almost cooked inside my Brow!
"I am the Bread that comes from Heaven,
whoever eats this Bread lives forever on."
~John 6:51~
How to digest my Bundle and blank Soul?
First, Spirit must upload my own Individual.
The Wafer is dipped into Wine of Sapience,
Sap blooms a Flower of perSonal Presence!
Egoic experience sublimates Quintessence,
my Grail performs intinction of Spiritus;
I raise-up the Cup of my empty Bucket List,
written in invisible Blood to grow my Flesh!
We all have a Page in the Book of Heaven,
a Leaf in the Burning Bush of GOD's Mind;
we can use it to photosynthesize the Logos,
the immaculate one Word of golden Silence!
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