Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Voice of the Word.

Idealized Subjectification.

Voice of the Quantum Word.
Elemental air becomes ImaginAry.
GOD is pure Silence and Love is blind,
I hear the Voice of a blinding Word.
Its flame speaks in the tongue of fire,
in symbolical Blood it flows On High.
But we need a focussed Nib of Light,
a third Eye to brighten the Night;
a Soul Imaginates by Co~creating,
etherealization of eternal Dreaming.
This digested Bread is likened to Gold,
everlasting purity, like a Sun to behold!
It is a central Light yet all spread~out,
at every Point inside the Wave of Spirit.
We are three~in*one just like our GOD,
but with a Boundary inside the MONAD;
so we can play in the boundless VOID:
ImaginAry quantum Field of the LORD!
Elemental air of thinking suffocates,
to prove the Bread and make it Aerate;
Flour into a Bundle we call the Soul,
the god~Child of the Imaginal Realm.

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