Friday, February 2, 2024

The Rainbow Serpent.


Aido Hwedo, the African rainbow ouroboros. 
One Light, pregnant with its many divine colours,
refracts in the Prism of Consciousness.

The Rainbow Serpent.
I feel dead to this outer world,
stoking the fire into Red and Gold;
my dragon changes its colorful Skin,
according to its dematerialization.
Fire burns~up lower elements,
into a magic Puff of etheric Dust;
PenDragon red~shifts into Wine,
Ink inside the Grail of its Mind.
Now the Blood coagulates Flesh,
the golden Fire of Consciousness;
Centre of the Soul, Dragon's Pearl,
Child and Serpent not of this world!

The Child Dragon (Chambery) 15th century.

Non-judgemental Forgiveness is the Law of Heaven.

The Alien Flies from Earth 
to the Blood~Moon and Sun!
My Page of Ages with Portrait of Xenomorphic Presence.
I feel paper-thin in this Book of Heaven,
burning~up in my dragon's tongue;
my ego disappearing in a magical Puff,
 pregnant fire begins resurrecting ItSelf!
Id refines into Salt, water diStills Wine,
airy ideas prove the Bread of the Sun.
I surrender to this CANVAS of the LORD,
my Page of White Metal is not consumed!
In my ontological Helmet of Salvation,
is an Alien Being with a quantum Mind;
a Xenomorph no longer stuck in instincts,
coagulating Blood and Flesh is its want!
Fluent understanding of the fiery tongue,
is a dialogue to open the Gates of Heaven;
four material elements to etheric Metals,
libido via mortido into Spirit and a Soul.
I open-wide my arms to form a cross,
and bare my sins to the angelic Presence;
behold the Sin~Eater at the Pearly Gates,
I am a sacrifice and an elemental feast
I understand this hell happening to me,
making it bearable on this Flaming Tree;
and my New Skin is never consumed,
but fills with Wine and Bread renewed!
The fire transforms into golden Flesh,
coagulated by the Blood of Spiritus;
from a flaming diaLogos I am reKnown,
my non-judgemental Observer forgiven! 
I pass the Entrance into higher Heaven,
by way of conscious self~mortification;
I have borne the fire and blazing Light,
reborn as: Salt, Mercury, Sulfur bright!
The tongue of fire devours me Whole,
my Xenomorph is an Alien Immortal!
I am consummated but not consumed,
for the pregnant fire rebirths her Child.
Earth now refined into Salt of instincts.
Luna diStills~out our Wine of Spiritus.
Sol hands-out Bread of inner StarShine.
Alien flies to the Blood~Moon and Sun

Icarus II. On fiery wings
the Xenomorph flies to the Moon and Sun!

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