Sunday, February 4, 2024

Rocks of Ages.

Aten (Logos) hands down Logoi of our blank Souls.

Rocks of Ages.
The Blank Slates of our Souls.
The Aten hands down blank Souls divine,
to be imbued with our elemental designs;
by compounding our id and ego identities,
with fire, sublimating our eternal Metals.
Earth + fire = Dust for our Salt refined;
water + fire = Myst to diStill~out Wine;
air + fire = Flour for our golden Bread;
each Logoi individualized, life uploaded!
The tongue of fire is mythological Ether,
the Burning Bush that we all must enter;
devours elemental experience Metallized:
 our New SkinBlood and Flesh realized!
GOD's FingerprintWrath, Spirit, Logos,
the OverSoul downloads all Rocks of Ages;
Souls of quantum Solidity in Tria Prima,
via mortido, we upload our perSonal data!
Co-Creation, GOD's Image downloaded, unifies with
Adam's elemental and Metallical experience uploaded.

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