Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Source of Fire's Tongue.

 The Source of Fire's Tongue.  
My past brought forward by In~tuition into Now!
I'm feeling out of sorts in my Observer,
of every morning I'm in need of fire;
to burn away the sins at the surface,
brought forth by the dreaming process.
Fire of imagination cleanses the past,
slowly regressing me back to the start.
The clock of time is wound-up in mind,
into unconscious conditioning blind!
In~tuition is the teaching of creativity,
dreaming tells us stories of mythology.
Our Child's inner Tutor speaks to us,
in the tongue of fire and etheric Myst.
Fire is the mythos of GOD's Logos:
Word, Reason, Logic to Order Chaos;
emanates from the Source of Knowing,
artistical language of natural learning.
White Metal is CANVAS of the LORD,
for the quill of flame to spread the Word.
Each has a Page to paint their Portrait,
fire is inSpiration from the Hierophant.
See how the tongue unlearns the past:
refines earth into metallic Salt at last;
changes water into Wine of Spiritus;
bakes air into Bread of Omniscience!
We are at the end of fire's discourse,
each one becomes a Logoi made of Flesh!
Christ was a Tutor of intuition's wrath:
"I have come to bring fire on the earth." 

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