My Opus Completus.
Observer in the fire that forges the Grail.
Metallic Salt, red Mercury and Sulfur fixed.
Alchemical Dematerialization!
We must not worry about going to Hell,
we are already here in the Netherworld!
It was GOD who fell down into matter:
Mater, Matrix, the Web of a Spider.
She is the Immanence of fallen SpAce,
Divine Darkness of unconsciousness;
the Body of our bodies, our Mother,
for we are encoiled in elemental matter!
We can make Her conscious into Metals,
dispell the spell of objective things;
seal the Vessel and Solve et Coagula,
turn lead to Gold inside the Observer!
It's like a trick, a glitch in the Matrix,
learning then transcending elements.
The Gods of Spirit are here to assist.
Is not Lord Death a de-Materialist?
Vulcan has his forge in the Underworld.
Love diStills her Dew into our Minds.
The Logos is the Lexicon of one Word.
And we are like gods, not of this world!
My perfected and Ideal Grail, made of GOD's White-Metal.
Mind eats the Mind of GOD's Manna with Tongue of Fire, into
a Tear of Blood, Soul of Flesh, and Brow of Conscious Dreaming.
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