Friday, February 2, 2024

"Solve et Coagula"

My depiction of alchemical Coagulation in the Vial of Mind,
the Green Sun of Spirit and Soul returns to Eden.

"Solve et Coagula" (Dissolve and Coagulate)
into GOD's Original Dream.
Waiting for the Spirit to flow,
to write in Blood, dissolve my ego
by Observation and Coagulation,
diStilling Wine in a quantum Mind!
I focus at first on lower emotion,
write down how I feel of a morn:
a sinking feeling, "via negativa",
water to Plasma then into a Wave!
At first it takes a long time to die,
the egoid defends material lies;
at last there is no matter as such,
water dissolves to coagulate Flesh!
My Soul writes with a Nib of Light,
spreading the Ink of Love about.
Primal GrOunD Pointing/Waving,
VOID: Grand Observer Dreaming!

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