Friday, February 2, 2024

Neo-Bicameral PenDragon.

Pregnant fire remembers Light!

My Neo-Bicameral PenDragon.
Stoking the fire of my inner dragon,
regresses my ego back to the Bone;
cleanses time wound-up into a mind,
to Behold my neo-bicameral Child!
Salt of my earthen id now extracted,
understanding the instincts enacted;
by taming my creature of creativity,
and learning its tongue of mythology.
My tongue forges a Tongue of Silence,
no longer reacts, tamed observance;
flame becomes Ether inside my Head,
the Stuff of Dreaming in fire's stead.
It has devoured my emotional ideas,
water into Wine, suffocating my air!
Death and Resurrection's magic rite,
the instinct of PenDragon's dialect.
Wings of fire take me to the Moon,
to plant my Seed and Watch it Bloom!
Myst into Blood and Flour into Flesh,
photosynthesizing Light of LOGOS.
It begins with the CANVAS of GOD,
MATER falls into material ground.
Light of one WORD cannot be seen,
 until we undergo dematerialization!

My inner Sanctum for Meditation.
Through the Burning Bush and out
the other-side of the Black Whole.

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  Jesus said to Mary: "The outer darkness contains a  great dragon,  whose tail is in its mouth." Pistis Sophia. Eucharistic Feast...