Conjuring the Pearl of the Soul.
Fire dragon forges itself a New Skin,
then dematerializes itSelf into Nothing!
Puffs into Ether, the White Dragon,
Myst for Wine, Flour for the Stone.
Animal id becomes a metallical Grail,
Salt of the earth by way of ordeal;
ego tames the tongue of fire in Hell,
chthonic dragon comes under control.
With my Helmet on, I enter the dragon,
who vaporizes the water of emotion!
The Netherworld becomes a Sea of Myst,
GOD's Canvas of pure Consciousness!
Now my PenDragon, re~Etherealized,
must extract GOD's symbolical Blood;
to diStill~out Spirit from the Myst,
quantum Wave of Love in the Uni~Verse.
PenDragon red~shifts inside the Mind,
drowning my thoughts in Coagulation;
air turns ImaginAry like making wishes,
a Soul Co~created out of GOD's Flesh!
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