Sunday, February 4, 2024

Magical Ether!

The first Green Man, Osiris, a
vegetation God who became the
God of the Etheric Netherworld.

 Magical Ether!
Bicameral Man Discovers Spelling.
A Creation Myth for the Sublimation
of Energy into an Eternal IdEntity.
Two major patterns stand-out from the ancients:
death and resurrection, and the four elements.
We moderns repeat these evolutionary codes,
from child to adult by way of language modes.
GOD has cast-a-spell by way of a FingerPrint,
upon each of his children made out of StarDust.
Our ultimate destiny is to eat of eternal Bread,
immaculate Concept of One ontological Word!
But first the Id must learn some lower dialects,
the four elements from Egypt come down to us,
via Greek Philosophy and medieval Alchemy,
to modern times by way of Jungian Psychology. 

Naked holy man smeared with the Ash of Death.

The ancient mind was much like that of a child,
governed by the instincts and running wild;
it was very artistic but also extremely brutal,
the bicameral man of the id and intuitional.
Today I Pen my spell upon the LORD's CANVAS,
the Etheric Magic of painting Self~Portraits;
to sketch-out a picture from fiery imagination,
just like a Scribe back in those ancient times.
Only Elites had this symbolical mode of Power,
to articulate thoughts from the magical Ether;
words became thinking above the amygdala,
the beginning of ideational spelling by Mana.  

Bicameral Mind (by Phib Bonacci).

Pharaohs were considered Gods on the Earth,
much like a Guru, and by lineage rebirthed.
The average person acted-out from instincts,
unable to write, did not think for themselves.
To them, GOD fell into the chaos of matter,
Mater is the Mother~Energy from the Father.
This Divine Darkness is full of potentiality,
and we are but Seeds made in their Imagery.
Material-Energy became the element of earth,
our Ids are dyed in the instincts at our birth;
we moderns are fluent in water and ideation,
emotionally~charged thinking in operation. 

A modern Alien with Xenomorphic Consciousness.

There are four language modes elementary:
acting-out, drama, stories and mythology;
we all need to learn these basics of philosophy,
the foundation stone for Metallical Energy.
Sublimating id and ego transforms my Spiritus:
survival to Salt, lust to Love, logic to Logos.
The transmigration of a human into Metals,
the re-Etherealized Alloy for our Alien Souls.
Fire becomes etheric Dust, Myst and Flour:
- Risen Ash, the New Skin of an Observer;
- Holy Blood for our higher Re-Energization;
- GOD's Flesh, the Word for our Solarization.

My Photo Self-Portrait developed on Canvas.

So now I Pen in symbolical Blood of Spiritus,
my New Seed of Id blooms forth WHO it is;
a Maternal Wave of Energy finally rebirths:
Helmet and Pearl of the Ouroboros collapsed!

And Jesus answered and said unto Mary: 
"The outer darkness is a great dragon, 
whose tail is in its mouth." 
Pistis Sophia, chapter 126.

(from Alien 3)
An Alien Foetus in potential, asleep in
Mater's Divine Darkness, awaiting nurture.
"The Moon turns to Blood before the coming of 
the great and glorious Day of the LORD." Acts 2:20.

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  Jesus said to Mary: "The outer darkness contains a  great dragon,  whose tail is in its mouth." Pistis Sophia. Eucharistic Feast...