Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Alien Enters the Black Hole!

The Alien Enters the Black Hole!
Daily I'm born again, Seed in the earth,
and quickly repeat the patterns of growth;
soon I'm old and the Black Hole comes,
Sol Niger upon my thought-scape Dawns!
Death has become my constant Friend,
greets with a threat of dematerialization;
so I don't have to enter the world again,
but opt-out through the giant Black Sun!
So, this is Christ, everywhere at once,
the universal Destroyer's Presence;
who baptizes with fire at the Judgement,
the Last Day is a test of 3 Alien Dialects.
Every morn is such a Day in potential:
- the tongue of fire swallows me whole!
- I must drink Christ's symbolical Blood,
- and digest his Flesh, one Word of Bread!

"Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has eternal Life
and I will raise them up at the Last Day."  John 6:54.

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