Behold Alchemical Gold!
Death feasts upon my worn-out bones,
and I must bear this dematerialization!
Alchemical Gold by solve et coagula,
dissolve and Coagulate is the formula.
The Crucible can be an intolerable process,
but in the end it feels like drunken bliss;
elemental identity must be compounded,
we must cross+over, four triangulated!
Crucifixion is the way back to Heaven,
all must bear Death and Resurrection!
First we become four elements plain,
language modes that define a human.
Fallen, we are "of the soil" mortalized,
and fire is the key to becoming uncoiled;
but we are grounded in emotional minds,
the creative flame so hard to understand.
"I come to bring fire upon the earth."
So sayeth Christ, holding GOD's wrath!
Prometheus gifted fire from the Bush,
that we might become Metallical gods.
Whoever can navigate the Underworld,
must learn the mythic tongue of fire well;
to forge a Grail and half-fill it with Wine,
by writing in symbolical Blood divine.
One more language is at last required,
before Gold can be photosynthesized;
a Green Man on a Green Sun reborn,
Speaks in one Word of the Grammaton!
I have survived the unbearable Crucible,
to show how the Mind beholds the Gold;
the Observer must tame the Red Dragon,
a Pearl from the Wave of Spirit Stoned!
Voice of the Logos.
Immaculate Language of One Word.
One GOD, like a trinitarian CLOUD,
GROUND of Being, LORD of the VOID:
Grammaton, Canvas, YHWH, Silence,
One WHO Speaks with just one Voice.
Hardest and easiest Language to learn,
with just one Word completes Salvation:
our eternal Bread, OverSoul of all Souls,
alchemical Sulfur and Stone of the Wise.
All opposites united by the Holy Priest,
alchemical Wedding of Sun and Crescent.
Lift up your Grail with Wine and Host,
Speak with the Voice of the risen Christ!
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