Friday, February 2, 2024

Alchemical Vial in VOIDAL SpAce.


My Alchemical Vial in VOIDAL SpAce.
My Grail is a higher Boundary in SpAce,
in the Boundless VIAL of the Uni~Verse;
GOD has no language, only pure Spiritus,
Canvas and Mystery of Deus Absconditus!
But the LORD is a Trinitarian MONAD,
deep in the CLOUD the Sky turns red;
all  Seeds are created in GOD's Image,
therein lies the problem with this Page.
We need a Boundary in Boundless Light,
an Alchemical Vial to contain our Points;
our starry Souls in the OverSoul of Logos,
the Moon fills with Spirit inside our Grails.
Such is my voidal Mind in this Canvas,
an Alien New-Skin with Blood and Flesh;
Deus Absconditus calls us deep into SpAce,
turns around to Gaze on us, Face to Face!

ainBrow Dreaming
Canvas of GOD with Eye Portrait.

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